About Us
We are a Committee run, charity based Pre-school. We operate five days a week – Monday to Friday. Our hours are 8.50am to 11.20am and 12 noon to 3.00pm. The Pre-school is registered for 43 children, 26 in the main demountable and 17 children in a separate demountable belonging to Woodville Primary School. We offer a "lunch-time" club (11.20am to 12 noon). Children can attend all day (subject to availability) or the child can attend the lunch club with their normal session. We ask parents to provide their child with a packed lunch (nothing containing nuts please!) and drink. These sessions cost £4.50.
Children are eligible to commence Pre-school from two and a half years of age. We are also now on the 2 year old register, so can take a limited number of 2 year olds who are eligible for the 2 year old funding.
Pre-school offers children a place to meet other children, make friends and have fun. We recognise children as individuals with specific needs and will be supportive in developing their potential at their own pace by means of developmentally appropriate play activities and a high level of individual adult input. We offer a curriculum based on the Early Years Learning Goals, which enables children to progress through the Foundation Stage and prepare them for school.